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3. Botalista Policy and Processes

Last modified by Cyril Boillat on 12/03/2021

Agile by nature

The Botalista Association adopts, as its management and project implementation pratices, the agile methods. Based on these methods, the Association defines 5 roles: Architecture OwnerAssociation Product Owner, Institutional Product Owners (project leaders), Institutional Releases Managers (user representatives) and the Production Team (DevOps).

 Agile rules

Rules definition

  • Product Owner (project leader)
    • Defines and shares the product vision
    • Represents the client/user to the Production Team
    • Communicates externally on progress
    • Creates and maintains the Product Backlog (User Stories)
    • Prioritizes the Product Backlog by the Story Point
    • The Association Product Owner is in charge of centralizing and aggregating all the Institutional Products Owners requests
  • Production Team (DevOps)
    • Transformes the Product Backlog into tasks (Sprint Backup)
    • Plans the development phases (Sprints)
    • Persorms the tasks
  • Releases Manager (user representative)
    • Accepts or rejects the work done by the DevOps 
  • Architecture owner
    • Ensure good IT practice

Product Backlog

The Product Backlog is intended to collect all the needs of the Botalista Community. It consists of a list of items called Users Stories. Each User Story is a requirement written using business and non-technical terminology. It is alwas formalized by starting the sentence with "As a user, I wish".

Users Stories examples

All the elements included in the Product Backlog are classified by priority indicating the order of their realization thanks to the Story Point. All these processes and agility management are carried out under OpenProject 

Story Point

The Story Point is a weighting of two ratings given to a User Story by both the Product Owners and the Production Team. Each of the notes is bounded from [0 to 5]. The sum makes it possible to relate the user's interest for a new functionality to the IT complexity of implementation. The weaker the point, the more quickly the User Story will be taken into account in a development cycle (Sprint). The idea is to quickly add a functionality that is very useful for the user (Product Owners note : 1) and which requires little IT complexity (Production Team note: 1).

Calculation of the du Story Point

In the Botalista Association, the Association Product Owner is in charge of collecting and synthesizing the notes of the Institutional Product Owners. This work serves as a basis for the meetings of the Technical Commission.


In the Agile method, the development phases are iterative and of short duration (usually between two and four weeks). A development iteration is called a « Sprint ». This cycle should allow the Production Team to develop several Users Stories taken from the Product Backlog. Each end of Sprint is presented to the relevant Product Owners.
