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2. Relationship with members

Last modified by Cyril Boillat on 12/03/2021

After having aquired the quality of member of the Association, the new member appoints, within his institute, 3 referents who wil ensure the contacts with the Association. These 3 roles can be carried by the same person.

  • A representative
The representative must have decision-making power allowing his institute to be invoved in all decisions taken within the Association. The representative sits at the General Meeting.
  • A project leader (Product Owner - PO)

The project leader is the reference person in the institute for all questions relating to the Botalista.community software, both at the technical and organizational level. He is the link between the business part within the institution and the Association. He participates in the life of the Association by being part of the process of defining and prioritizing new features to be developed (User Stories) within the Association's Technical commission. The principles and functioning of this Technical commission are governed  by the Rules and status of the Botalista technical commission.
  • The User reperesentative (Release Manager - RM)

The user representative is in charge of testing the new functionalities before their publication (made available to users).He checks the business consistency of the developments and gives his publication agreement for all new functional versions (eg 1.4.12 -> 1.5.0).
The Botalista.community version management is described in the continuous delivery documentation.

Organization chart between Botalista and the institutes